Project Areas
To work efficiently and strategically, the RDA specifies certain areas in which to focus efforts by prioritizing projects and programs. Some of these “project areas” currently collect tax increment, while others are no longer collecting, but lingering redevelopment projects are still taking place. The RDA is also authorized to undertake affordable housing projects anywhere in the City. (More information on how the RDA funds such projects is available on our Affordable Housing page.)
Below is information on active full- and limited-use project areas and current redevelopment projects happening therein, as well as a list of Citywide Housing projects in which the RDA is involved.

Central Business District Project Area
As a key commercial heart of Salt Lake City, the Central Business District Project Area (CBD), guiding plans in this area are focused on economic development and growth through new commercial & housing development, building rehabilitation, and public improvements.
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Depot District Project Area
The Depot District Project Area (DD), a former industrial and railroad corridor just west of Downtown, has become more desirable for investment due to improved accessibility resulting from the reconstruction of I-15 off-ramps and the consolidation of rail lines along 700 West Street.
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Granary District Project Area
To support commercial businesses and services, the Granary District Project Area (GD) creates mixed-use neighborhoods with improved infrastructure, preservation of historic structures, adaptive reuse development, open space, and a unique forgivable loan program.
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North Temple Project Area
The North Temple Project Area (NT) promotes transit-oriented development with loan and tax increment reimbursement programs, form-based zoning, street improvements, and purchase of unsafe properties for mixed-use development, connecting Downtown to the Salt Lake City International Airport.
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State Street
As a critical gateway to Salt Lake City, the automobile-focused State Street (SS) corridor provides opportunities for infrastructure enhancement and the creation of more pedestrian-friendly features, livable spaces, and safe public areas, as well as for new development, renovation and rehabilitation of existing buildings.
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West Capitol Hill Project Area
The West Capitol Hill Project Area (WCH), which encompasses portions of Salt Lake City's historic Marmalade neighborhood, seeks to stabilize residential areas while strengthening the commercial business corridor along 300 West. Though we are no longer collecting tax increment from this project area, we are finishing up work on the last element of our Marmalade Block development.
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West Temple Gateway Project Area
The West Temple Gateway Project Area (WTG), located on the southern periphery of Downtown Salt Lake City, includes the rising neighborhood business district of Central Ninth, surrounded by a mix of multi-family and single-family homes and small-scale commercial and office buildings. It stopped receiving tax increment at the end of 2018.
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9 Line
The 9 Line Community Reinvestment Area spans Poplar Grove and Glendale neighborhoods, featuring single-family homes, small-scale businesses, and parks. The RDA will promote economic development, public realm enhancement, and housing stability while building on existing assets.
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Citywide Housing
The RDA continuously works to improve livability within Salt Lake City by facilitating citywide housing development (CWH). This is achieved through a number of ways including land assembly and resale, developer assistance, low-interest loans to non-profit developers, and expanding the overall housing stock of the city.
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